Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What Reality TV Can Teach us about Surviving our World


"I AM A CELEBRITY GET ME OUT OF HERE ! is about to start on Oz TV. I know because the overflow of hype is even getting to me. 

Its about B lister wannabes  dropped into the African jungle to mingle in an environment of things that creep, crawl, sting and bite.

Even Betfair is running a book. Who will re-enter the known world with bragging rights to King or Queen of the jungle? Also giving odds who will be the first to pull the pin? I would  bet on me the first to go AWOL. Why because I am a card caring member of the cowards' club that freaks when a leech attaches itself whilst I was swimming in waterholes in Jabiru, NT.
But maybe even here in this latest television reality show there are secrets to learn for our success.
You see I am a great believer that in the most negative circumstances comes a point of positive learning that we can benefit from. So be it, even if it is  contrived reality TV.

Without knowing all the rules and conditions of the show, the last man or woman standing, will be the result of a series of challenges based on human nature which go back to our origin and survival. We could learn from this to make our own life more successful.

The eclectic celebrity group pitched against the wilds of the jungle will require the collaboration of others to get them through the  hostile environment. Individuals who didn't know each other weeks ago will be forced to team, communicate and empower each other. Certainly in the early stages to survive the conditions ( and the rules). As light and entertaining as this contrived adventure 'soapie' will be, it is a metaphor why we are the dominant species on our planet.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem,  Professor, Dr Yuval Noah Harari (author of 'A Brief History Of Humankind')  on respected Radio National 'Big Ideas' recently  spoke in his keynote address why Homo Sapiens (i.e. us) are the lone surviving species ( there were 6 originally and we are the remaining one), what led to the demise of our 'competition' and what was the one characteristic that got us top of the heap in the animal kingdom. 

He believes it was the unique ability to collaborate,  to cooperate flexibly in both small and large numbers, form into clans, tribes and later nations.

No other animal species can do that (although many form herds and groups ) but not in major numbers . This has led us , till now at least, to prosper and take on enemies and competitor species. (BTW - it looks like our prehistoric antecedents had blood on our hands and guilt with the fate of the other 5 species including Neanderthals.)

FAST FORWARD TO TODAY. Each of us form teams with people we know intimately and able with those we have just met ( the escape of a pair caught in the Sydney siege were not to each other hours before) to achieve mutual goals.  Parents form a bond to educate and raise their children,  sporting clubs to win premierships,  and organizations to meet charitable causes , and armies to defend and see off invaders.

We are social creatures, that would not survive today if it wasn't the interdependence with others. Adam Smith's specialization of labor saw to this.

While we depend on Coles or Woolies to feed us, I shudder to think how our life would change and  what would happen if we reverted to the store open hours of the 60s and 70s. IMAGINE  not being able to buy liquor after 6pm and closed on Sundays.

This may be all apparent with essentials on Maslow's Hierarchy, but I am not sure we appreciate  how we could take it to the next level and maximise this effect.

Lets face it. Life is tough. Not many of us get to the top of the ladder. Its as if we haven't been given the code to get past struggle street. This can be demonstrated by the few 'haves' and the many 'have nots". Also supported by stats which has 80% of the community on some form of welfare.  What I propose is that each of us to survive and prosper in this dynamic and complex world should appoint  and form our own specialist team (high performance coaches if you would) but in all areas of our and our families life and development. To look after and ensure our health, wealth and prosperity. You might think what I propose in fact takes place. I agree but more on an adhoc basis and not too the level and high standard we should aim for. A collaboration of a highly skilled group there for us.

Even Colliers International, commercial real estate giant has stopped 'hot desks' in preference to chairs and desks that can  be configured into collaborative groups at will.

This  team of high standard specialists that known to us and appointed by us  are fully briefed committed to  our aspirations. For example Team Millar would comprise:
  • GP Medical doctor                                               
  • Solicitor
  • Parenting  Expert    
  • Career councilor
  • Mentor
  • Psychologist
  • Happiness expert
  • Dietician
  • Health and Wellbeing coach
  • Financial & Investment advisor
Today we find ourselves too busy to attend a doctor regularly, we go to a local lawyer at the corner, we rarely seek out parenting advice preferring to learn on the job, badly fitted to jobs we are poorly trained for and usually hate, suffering mental illness ranging from mild bouts in depression to bi polar.

The most richest and successful, from Bill Gates to Google's Eric Schmidt, say that everyone should have a mentor and coach. As for health, happiness and diet very few give a second thought yet many say they are unhappy betting big time on winning the lottery to solving this.

History tells us, we are served on a needs basis in each of these areas often by people who have dubious communication skills and usually at best mediocre . The excuse is time , money or that we see each as a commodity that can be purchased at a moments notice. Absolutely correct. If we are willing to gamble with such life affecting areas and accept whatever the outcome from people who are chosen because they are geographically handy.

Alternatively each appointed to our DREAM team ( such for the example, Team Millar) would be scrutinised closely and  highly detailed on the family and each's aspirations. Client service, professional knowledge and ability to communicate in non professionalese would be expected premium standard. They would be pro active in meeting our needs and as concerned and committed about us achieving our goals as we are.

Their service would  include at least annual reviews, webinars for people to catch up from the comfort of their homes, and educational seminars. (Seminars and virtual meetings will become common as the high speed NBN  is rolled out).  Importantly these would not be an excuse to 'flog' a product of the moment which many today financial advisers are guilty, but to add to their clients' knowledge about their personal success and well being.

The Dream team of your own key band of people who would simply know where WE stand,  where WE are heading and provide a pro active means of how WE might  get there.

Will the appointment to our first 11, become common. Sadly no. People preferring,  by default of the rushed society we live today, taking the transactional approach to life.
Is it a new idea? No! But it is done to a limited extent by some of  the most successful in our community. Should it be done by more. YES. and whats more a happiness and well being , let alone financially, a 'business case could be made which shows how much better we would be off.

Maybe its worth a try, just  to over come the challenges of Today's world. Not the least being mediocre professional service.

4 Things to do to CRANK UP the year!

Start of the Year

Resolutions we don’t stick to, and within a short time, its business as usual.
The Cause: Because we are unreasonable with what we want and the habits we are able to change.
The Answer: Make the changes EASY, REALISTIC, EMOTIVE and can be quickly RECALLED and REMEMBERED.

Here are my suggestions you might try. Importantly they will have an immediate impact on your year

They are:
  • Don’t set monthly goals, set QUARTERLY  goals instead- factors out the seasonality
  • Throw EVERYTHING at the year early to get momentum.
  • Pick only ONE most major thing for the quarter that must be done.- Focus on the biggest obstacle, greatest challenge, or relationship needed to be developed or fixed
  • Build your business on referrals and become referable.To do that Arrive on time, Do what you said  you would do, AND Say PLEASE and THANK YOU.
Hard. I wouldn’t have thought so!

Go on. Go on try it. I dare you!